Jasa Copy CD DVD Duplikat Replikasi CD kilat

Quantum Com Jogja Melayani: Jasa Perbanyak CD, duplikasi, replikasi, untuk Sarana Promosi - CD Interaktif - Profil Perusahaan - Dok. workshop/outbond - MLM, reuni dsb

Penggandaan dengan sistem burning menggunakan CD duplikator khusus. Jumlah pesanan tidak terbatas s/d 1000 keping / content. Waktu pengerjaan 2-4 hari kerja. Label & Cover format JPG desain dari anda sendiri atau dari kami.


Apa itu WTM Copy Protection?

Spoiler for wtm_copy:
Copy Protection Software - CD, DVD, BD, Card, USB Copy Protection:

WTM CD Protect - Protect your CD against illegal copy. More profit with less illegal copies. Create your own copy protection for your music, video, photo, image or data cds.

Spoiler for ss:

CD Protection – software that makes sure the data on the CD cannot be copied onto another. Effective CD protection (for Music CDs, Video CDs, Data CDs, Games, EBooks, other books, photos and images).

USB Flash Drive Copy Protection tool provides one of the best USB security solutions which helps end-users have complete control over copy protection. Thus, users get complete and efficient digital management. USB Flash Drive Copy Protection is used for encrypting all types of data (electronic documents), namely pdf, doc, xls, txt, flv, tutorials, pps, rtf, psd, xml, guide, exe, mpeg, mpg, swf, pdf, html, drm, mp3, scr and so on. WTM crypts all data from the source folder to USB using the finger print generated and writes this directly to the USB flash drive.

DVD File Protection provides an enhanced and efficient layer of protection and complication to your DVDs which avoids and removes the effect of hacking, kracking and ripping tools.

The File Protection tool (for CDs, DVDs, BDs, USB Dongle and USB Flash Drives) helps to protect the integrity of your digital content with the compatibility also being maintained. Lock your data with this locker.

Support: CD, DVD, BD, USB Speicher Stick, USB Flash Disk

CD protection, CD Copy Protection, Music CD Protection, Image Protection, Video CD Protection, Photo Protection, Data CD Protection, Software Dongle

• Proteksi Data CD Dengan WTM Copy Protection •


  1. Download & instal WTM Copy Protection 2.51.
  2. Jalankan Nero Burning-ROM. Dari jendela "New Compilation", pilih 'Data CD".
  3. Atur/pilih setting compilation-nya seperti ini, terus klik "New":
    • tab Multisession
      * Multisession = "No Multisession"
    • tab ISO:
      * Data mode : "Mode 1"
      * File system : "ISO 9660 only"
      * File name length (ISO) : "Max. of 11 = 8 + 3 chars (Level 1)"
      * Relax Restrictions: centang kotak "Allow path depth of more than 8 directories"; "Allow more than 255 characters in path" & "Allow more than 64 characters for Joliet names".

    Spoiler for :

  4. Dari jendela Nero Burning-ROM, browse ke folder instalasi "\Program Files\Wtm Copy Protection\Imp-Image". Drag & drop file "image1.imp", "image2.imp", "image3.imp",.. "image6.imp" kedlm folder project CD agan. Rename ke-enam file image.imp tsb dgn nama yg unik sbg kamuflase misal "w32troj.w32", "virusV.exe", dsb.

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  5. Drag & drop lagi keenam file image.imp dlm WTM Cp & ulangi sampai isi CD hampir penuh & tersisa cuma utk file yg agan mau proteksi (Lebih bagus lagi klo file .imp-nya dimasukkan dlm folder).

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  6. Biar lebih aman lagi, tambahkan file .imp itu sendiri ke file original agan biar mutlak ngga akan bisa dicopy. Buka WTM Copy Protection, dari menu "Options", pilih file *.imp yg pengen dimasukin ke file original agan.
  7. Tanpa menutup Nero, buka WTM Cp, klik tab "CD Protection Setup", centang opsi "Make sector errors (include Image.Imp files, only CD)", pilih file image.imp berapa yg pengen diproteksi (mis. "image2.imp"). Klik tombol "Hanging error image at an arbitrary file" terus browse & pilih file agan, pilih dimana mau disave.

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  8. File agan akan disave dgn tambahan ekstensi ".cry" dibelakangnya (mis. "file_rahasia_ane.exe.cry"). Pindahkan (Cut Paste) file .cry agan tsb ke folder lain terus hapus ekstensi .cry-nya biar kembali jadi nama file asli agan ("file_rahasia_ane.exe"). Masukkan file agan yg sdh direname itu kedlm Nero.

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  9. Burn CD Compilation ke CD-RW blank. Kenapa mesti CD-RW? Karena hasil burning ini sifatnya sementara. Akan ada proses burn final.

    NB: Buat yg pake notebook atau ngga ada CD/DVD-RW-nya, pakai aplikasi DISINI utk mempercepat proses ini biar tdk perlu lagi pake' CD-RW fisik buat burn image..
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  10. Jalankan program CloneCD agan. Klik "File > Read to File... (R)". Dibagian "Select CD Reader" pilih model CD-RW terus pilih "Data CD". Klik "Next".

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  11. Dibagian "Image File" CloneCD, klik "Browse..." lalu save dimana agan mau simpan image agan. Rename jika perlu (mis. image_rahasia.ccd"). Klik OK. Tunggui proses burning image-RAW-nya.

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  12. Buka kembali WTM Copy Protection. Pilih tab "Image file" terus pilih image-RAW hasil dari CDClone diatas ("C:\image_rahasia.ccd").

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    Centang opsi "Make sector errors" di tab "Errors". Di bagian bawah opsi "Make Sector errors" tersedia 5 opsi writing-speed WTM Cp, pilih saja metode "Ultra fast scan/write".

    • Ultra fast scan/write
    • Super fast scan/write
    • Very fast scan/write
    • Fast scan/write
    • Slow scan/write (V2 and higher automatically)
    Aturannya, makin lambat metode writing-speed-nya, makin bagus juga hasil proteksinya! Ingat: Klo file2 *.imp ngga ada satupun dlm image-RAW agan diatas, atau, jika CD hasil tidak terproteksi sehabis burning image, pilih speed write yg lebih rendah terus ulangi prosesnya!!

    Ada 1 lagi opsi "Anti-RAW HPIP-Cryptor" di tab "Errors" WTM Cp. Centang opsi ini jika agan pengen proteksinya lebih kuat (tapi kadang bermasalah utk beberapa device).
  13. Klik tombol "Start - Protect Image". Tunggui!

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  14. Terakhir, burn file image final agan (C:\image_rahasia.cdd) yg sdh diproteksi dgn CDClone: Buka CloneCD. Pilih "File > Write from File... (W)". Klik "Browse.." terus pilih "C:\image_rahasia.cdd". Klik Next. Burn.. Baby..Burn!!

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ada versi 2.54 plus jamunya kaga mastah?
FYI: yg donlod dr MF utk v2.51 password rarnya

gan,di read me install WTM copy 2.51 yang dari IDWS itu ane gak ngerti readme nya gan..

How to install :
1. Install app from setup DIR
2. Copy Loader&IMP-Image To app install DIR EX : C:\Program Files\Wtm Copy Protection
3. Delete the desktop shortcut(Created by the app)
4. Make a new shortcut of loader on desktop.
4. Run the shortcut\loader & wait 30 sec... untill 2nd msgbx appear.(Restart loader!)
5. Restart loader\shortcut.
6. Overwrite Imp-image DIR

Bisa jelasin gak satu-satu tahapannya?
Yang dimaksud copy loader tuh yang mana? yang dimaksud make a new shortcut of loader tuh yang mana,yang di krack apa loader? soalnya di loader gk ada apa2 selain setup.exe
Terus,yang dimaksud overwrite imp-image DIR tuh yang mana dan gimana?
thanks from newbie

  1. Ekstrak file download "[www.indo*web*ster...com]-WTM_Copy_Protection_2.51.rar" ke hardisk agan, misal di C:\WTM Copy Protection 2.51. Esktrak lagi semua isi file archive .rar didlmnya ke folder yg beda2 biar tidak bingung.
  2. Buka folder "Webtoolmaster.Software.WTM.Copy.Protection.2.51.r ar" hasil ekstraksi, didlmnya ada file instalasi WTM Cp, "cdprot.exe".

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  3. Dobel klik file "cdprot.exe" utk instal WTM CD Prot 2.5x. (Lokasi default instalasinya ada di dlm folder "C:\Program Files\Wtm Copy Protection"). Jangan dulu buka/jalankan WTM klo sdh selesai instalasi.

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  4. Masuk ke folder instalasi WTM agan (C:\Program Files\Wtm Copy Protection). Copy file "WTM.Copy.Protection.2.51.loader.exe" ke folder "C:\Program Files\Wtm Copy Protection".

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  5. Masuk lagi ke folder "C:\Program Files\Wtm Copy Protection\Imp-Image\Autorun", copy dan overwrite/timpa file "Setup.exe" dari folder "Loader\Imp-Image\Autorun" ke folder "C:\Program Files\Wtm Copy Protection\Imp-Image\Autorun".

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  6. (Opsional) Dari folder "C:\Program Files\Wtm Copy Protection", hapus file eksekusi "ACopy.exe" bikinan WTM original.

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  7. Klik kanan file "WTM.Copy.Protection.2.51.loader.exe" dlm folder "C:\Program Files\Wtm Copy Protection", dari menu-konteks explorer, pilih "Send to > Desktop" utk bikin shortcut file tsb di desktop utk akses cepatnya.

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  8. Dobel klik file shortcut "Shortcut to WTM.Copy.Protection.2.51.loader.exe", tunggu sampai 30 detik sampai muncul kotak dialog yg kedua. Klo sdh, restart/jalankan lagi shortcut "Shortcut to WTM.Copy.Protection.2.51.loader.exe" didesktop.

    Spoiler for :

  9. Tutup WTM CP.
thanks banget gan rinciannya,tapi pas installasi cdprot.exe itu ada opsi yang belom dicentang create large dummy file ,itu centang gk gan?
bagusnya agan centang utk dibikinkan file image *.imp ekstra yg bisa agan pakai utk protect CD/USB (sediakan ukuran HDD ~1GB-an)... file2 image *.imp itu buat 'menuhin' media CD/USB agan yg diprotect..
gan,itu kalo udah install WTM copy udah nyampe bikin shortcut di desktop ane ada problem nih:

Kan udah klik bikin shortcut sampe desktop. Terus shortcut yang di desktop diclick sampe muncul gambar
Spoiler for yang ini gan:
nah pas udah diclick ok tuh keluar gambar
Spoiler for yang kedua:
terus udah tungguin,suruh restart loader dan click shorcut lagi,eh gitu lagi

Pertanyaan ane:
1) Itu kita nunggu 30 detik abis click ok?
2) Kalo ada yang search file itu pilih 'yes' apa 'no' ? kalo yes terus milih apa lagi?
3) kalo abis restart loader,gimana caranya aplikasinya jalan kalo balik suruh nunggu 30 detik lagi?

ane udah ikutin intruksi agan di atas semuanya sampe ngehapus acopy.exe dan bikin shortcut,pas jalaninnya nih bingung
Jangan instal WTM & krack selagi online!!

sehabis agan bikin shortcut loader di desktop, jalankan loader-nya ("WTM.Copy.Protection.2.51.loader.exe") trus tunggu ~30detik-an.. sampai muncul message box kedua (bukan msgbox yg 'search the file' kayak di agan...):

Spoiler for msgbox_yg_benar:

restart loader agan! waaalaahhh...

Spoiler for loader_sukses:

(setiap agan mau buka WTM nanti, jalankan loader-nya...

Btw 1 postingan lagi iso tuh..

Oh yah, mau nanya.. Klo utk copy file/data dari dvd yg diprotect bisa gak yah?
Ada caranya gak?

Mohon dishare yah..
Bisa, pake CloneDVD:

Slysoft CloneDVD:

atau DVDFab

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1 komentar:

  1. gan mana link download sama crack aktivator nya

